Audree Infotech Pvt. Ltd.

What was done for the client

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The Challenge

  • Who is the client – no names but some identification information – industry, revenues, offices, employees etc.
  • What was the problem the client was facing and how was it affecting their business?
  • What did they want to do to solve this problem?

The Solution

  • Why was Audree Infotech chosen?
  • Did Audree act as a consultant? If so, what was the result of the consultation that led to decision on this particular solution?
  • What did Audree Infotech do to solve the problem? Please explain the solution step by step
  • What apps / tools/ technology was deployed? Was there anything unique?
  • How many people worked on the project? What was their expertise?
  • Why was this the best solution?




  • How did the solution help the client? In what way did their business became better?
  • What were some of the quantified benefits they reaped?